Valentine’s Snack Mix

(mix options)
mini pretzels
popcorn (air-popped)
cereal (chex, cherrios, or your choice)
peanuts (or a nut of your choice)
M&Ms or other candies

candy melts (pink or white), or white chocolate

In a large roasting pan, or large casserole dish, mix all ingredients except the M&M's, sprinkles, and candy melts. Do not over fill your dish, you will need room to toss the ingredients together.

Melt candy melts (or white chocolate) in a microwave safe dish (at 50% power) in 30 second intervals until almost melted. Stir until completely melted and smooth. Use a spoon to drizzle the melted chocolate over the dish of snacks. Mix as needed to coat. It's up to you if you want the mix to be totally coated, or lightly coated (depending on the amount of melted chocolate you use). As soon as you've mix up the snack mix, but the coating is still warm and melty, add sprinkles of your choice, and M&M's to the mix. Stir to combine.

Spread the snack mixture out onto a baking sheet (or two if needed). Allow to cool, then break apart as needed, and store in an airtight bag or container.

Party mix with popcorn in it will remain fresh tasting about 2-3 days, and a bit longer without popcorn.

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